Saturday, September 17, 2011

3 favorite photos

I love this picture because of the juxtaposition between the power an chaos behind the surfer, and the calm before him. It's eerie and almost as though the picture were taken in another world.

I think this is a really powerful picture. If I remember correctly, the story behind it had something to do with the family being refugees. I love that not only can you see emotion in the little girl's face, you can see it in the dog as well. I also love the idea that this picture represents, that animals really are a part of the family.

I like that in this picture, you see his eyes before you see anything else. Once you have taken in the picture a little bit, you get the sense that this is most likely the Vietnam War, which adds even more power to the photo. I like the tone of the photo; how in his eyes you see a lot of the heaviness of war and you can tell that the soldier has seen a lot, but is still optimistic. 

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